Management state with HATEOAS

“Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State” (HATEOAS) is a RESTful technique that can make consumer applications simpler and more robust. In many applications, the allowed actions on a resource depend on the state of that resource. Rather than require the consumer to understand and code for the allowed states, HATEOAS provides a means for the server to say what is allowed. The concept is best explained by example.

Consider a bank account number 12345 with a positive balance of $100. A REST query on that resource might return a response indicating that subsequent allowed actions are deposit, withdraw, or transfer:

  “balance”: 100.00,
    {“rel”: "deposit",  “href”:"/account/12345/deposit"},
    {“rel”: "withdraw", “href":"/account/12345/withdraw"},
    {“rel”: "transfer", “href”:"/account/12345/transfer"}

But if the same account is overdrawn by $25 then the only allowed action is deposit:

  “balance”: -25.00,
    {“rel”: "deposit",  “href”:"/account/12345/deposit"}

It is easy to see how many government interactions also have a similar idea of allowed actions depending on state.


Agencies should adopt HATEOAS designs for their REST implementations where practical.